Part 45: Coda 2: The Stupid Ending
CODA 2: THE STUPID ENDINGLet's rewind a bit to when we met Bolverk for the final battle. Iver has had enough of this shit.
He's going to take Bolverk on alone.
: Out of my way, Iver!
Honestly, I was trying to throw this fight but Iver's so damned strong he took out 2 warped dredge and beat the hell out of Bolverk before he finally fell.
This took a WHILE.
As someone previously stated, you can lose the final battle. But it means that all the Ravens distract Bolverk as you make a desperate run for the White Tower with only Iver/Eyvind/Juno. AND NOT ALFRUN.
So when we have our dialogue it'd be really stupid to cut down Eyvind so one can do the ritual. And yet we will get that option.
Doing this would be very stupid, obviously.
: In the end, putting my trust in Iver would be our doom.
: The darkness remains, and continues to consume all.
Well, I mean...Bellower's alive at the bottom of a warped ocean somewhere, I guess.
This is the worst ending: the world dies along with everyone in it, save for Juno and (presumably) Bellower.